[Photograph of State Senator] ULYSSES CURRIE, Democrat, District 25, Prince George's County.

Member of Senate since 1995. Deputy Majority Whip, 1999-. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee, 1995- (capital budget subcommittee, 1995-; education, business & administration subcommittee, 2000; pensions subcommittee, 2000-; chair, public safety, transportation & environment subcommittee, 2001-); Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 1999-; Joint Technology Oversight Committee, 2000-; Spending Affordability Committee, 2001-; Special Committee on Gaming, 2001-. Member, Joint Committee to Study Mandates on Local Government, 1995-97; Joint Committee on Welfare Reform, 1996-2000. Assistant Deputy Majority Whip, 1996-98. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds, 1995-2000. Senate Chair, Joint Audit Committee, 1997-2000. Chair, Rules Committee, 1999-2000. Chair, Prince George's County Delegation, 1997-2000.

Member, House of Delegates, 1987-94. Majority Whip. Member, Ways and Means Committee, 1987-89; Appropriations Committee, 1990-94 (vice-chair, human resources & public safety subcommittee); Legislative Policy Committee, 1991-94; Joint Budget and Audit Committee, 1991-94; Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation, 1991-94; Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 1992-94. Member, Governor's Commission on Black Males, 1990-96; Task Force on Education Funding in Prince George's County, 1995-96; Task Force on Law Enforcement of Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 1995-96; Child Care Administration Advisory Council, 1995-98; Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, 1995-; Task Force on the Loss of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Legal Immigrants in Maryland, 1996-97; Maryland Comprehensive Transit Plan Transit Advisory Panel, 1998-99; Chair, Task Force to Study School Construction Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Programs, 1998-99. Member, Maryland Child-Care Business Partnership, 1998-2000; Commission on Transportation Investment, 1999; Transit Policy Panel, 2000. Co-Chair, Task Force on the Prince George's County Transfer Tax Rate, 2000-01. Member, Virginia-Maryland Joint Commission on Regional Transportation, 2000-; Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities, 2001-; National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board. Born in Whiteville, North Carolina. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State College, B.S. (social studies & history), 1959. Served in U.S. Army, 1960-63. The American University, M.A., 1968. Educator, Prince George's County, 25 years. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1996, 2000. Charter member, Coalition for Handicapped Children. Member, Association of School-Based Administrators and Supervisors of Prince George's County, Maryland; Mental Health Association of Prince George's County, Inc. Board member, First Generation College Bound. Married; two sons.

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