[Photograph of State Delegate] JOHN S. MORGAN
Republican, District 13B, Prince George's & Howard Counties

Member of House of Delegates, 1991-99. Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee, 1991-92; Judiciary Committee, 1993; Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1994-99 (ranking Republican member, 1995-99; financial institutions subcommittee). Member, Joint Advisory Committee on Legislative Data Systems, 1993-99; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 1995-99. Member, Bi-County Committee, Prince George's County Delegation.

Chair, Citizens Advisory Committee to Board of Education, Howard County, 1989-90. Born in Washington, DC, December 23, 1963. Loyola College, B.S. (physics), 1984; Whiting School, The Johns Hopkins University, M.Sc., 1988, Ph.D. (materials science & engineering), 1990. Senior Engineer, The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, 1991-. Congressional Science Fellow, American Physical Society, 1994-95. Member, American Physical Society; Materials Research Society; American Society for Nondestructive Testing; American Council of Young Political Leaders. Charles E. Miller Award, Howard County Republican Party, 1988. Married; one child.

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