[Photograph of State Delegate] SUE HECHT, Democrat, District 3, Frederick & Washington Counties.

Member of House of Delegates since 1995. Deputy Majority Whip, 1998-. Member, Appropriations Committee, 1995- (public safety & administration subcommittee, 1995-99; oversight committee on program open space & agricultural land preservation, 1995-; capital budget subcommittee, 1997-; oversight committee on personnel, 1997-; vice-chair, transportation & the environment subcommittee, 1999-). Member, Special Committee on School Enrollment Management, 1996-97. President, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2000-01 (1st vice-president 1998-99; president-elect, 1999-2000).

Member, Commission for Women (political committee), Frederick County, 1993-95; Affordable Housing Commission, Frederick County, 1993-95. Member, Family Violence Council, 1995- (co-chair, legislative action team, 1996-). Co-Chair, Task Force on Funding for the Maryland School for the Deaf, 1996. Member, Governor's Flood Mitigation Task Force for Western Maryland, 1996-; Child-Care Administration Advisory Council, 1998-2000; Special Commission on State Parks, 1999-2000; Maryland Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission, 1999-; Virginia-Maryland Joint Commission on Regional Transportation, 2000-. Born in Takoma Park, Maryland, December 7, 1947. Attended Frederick Community College; Hood College, B.A., 1985; Frostburg State University, M.B.A., 1992. Adjunct professor, Frostburg State University, 1997-. Freelance writer, Damascus/Mt. Airy Gazette, 1983-85. Program specialist, Frederick Job Training Agency, 1985-86. Executive director, Heartly House, Inc., a private nonprofit organization, 1986-97. Board member, Women's Alliance of Maryland, 1986-96; Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 1986-96. Member, Frederick County Consortium of Human Service Providers, 1987-96; Coordinating Authority for People Services (CAPS), 1989-91; Frederick County Domestic Violence Task Force (co-founder), 1989-. Chair, Frederick County Red Ribbon Non-Profit Task Force, 1991. Division Chair, Agency Campaign, Frederick County United Way, 1991-92 (current member, development committee). Board member, SanMar Children's Home. Member, Carroll Creek Rotary Club. President, Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence, 1991-93 (member, 1986-). Member, United Democrats of Frederick County, 1994-; Plowmen and Fishermen Club, 1994-. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1996, 2000. Outstanding Legislator Award, Advocates for Retarded Citizens (ARC), 1996. Dorothy Beatty Memorial Award, Women's Law Center, 1997. Award, Maryland Correctional Administrators' Association, 1997. Outstanding Legislator, Women's Alliance of Maryland, 1997. Award of Appreciation, Maryland School for the Deaf, 1997. President's Citation, Smoke-Free Maryland Coalition, 1997. Honor Roll, Maryland Food Committee and Action for the Homeless, 1997. Citation, Governor's Flood Mitigation Task Force for Western Maryland, 1997. Commendation, Secretary of State Police, 1997. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 1998. Married; two children.

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