web: www.cherylkagan.org
Member, Alternative Community Service Commission, City of Rockville. Member, Maryland State Arts Council, 1995-; Study Group on Organizational, Commemorative and Personalized License Plate Programs, Department of Transportation, 1997-98. Born in Washington, DC, July 2, 1961. Attended Winston Churchill High School, Potomac; American University (Washington semester program), 1981; Vassar College, A.B. (political science), 1983; graduate study, University of Maryland College Park, School of Public Affairs. Consultant. Vice-President, Strategic Message Design Group, 1999-. Committee Chair for Task Force on Party Operations, Maryland Democratic Party (member, committee studying ballot measures). Directed advanced women candidates' training seminar for Women's Campaign Research Fund, and Center for Political Leadership and Participation. Founding Board member, Faith and Politics Institute, 1991-99. National Board, Americans for Democratic Action, 1981-. Special events coordinator for U.S. Representative Michael D. Barnes (1986 Senate campaign). Steering Committee, Voices Versus Violence, 1994. Chair, Career Development Committee, Vassar Club of Washington. Board member, American Jewish Committee, 1999-. Volunteer work on behalf of World Folk Music Association, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and Multiple Sclerosis Society. Certificate of Appreciation, Maryland Municipal League, 1997, 1998. Member, Congregation Har Shalom.
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