72 Pershing St.
Cumberland, MD 21502
(301) 724-9234
fax: (301) 724-7635
Member, Commission to Study Public Service Commission Law, 1977-80; Tri-County Council for Western Maryland, 1986-; Citizens Advisory Board, Finan Hospital Center, 1988-; Governor's Commission on Maryland Military Monuments, 1989-; Governor's Commission on Insurance, 1990-92; Maryland Tourism Development Board, 1993-; Government House Trust, 1994-; State House Trust, 1994-; Maryland Environmental Trust, 1995-. Chair, Governor's Flood Mitigation Task Force for Western Maryland, 1996-. Member, Task Force to Study Retail Electric Competition and the Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry, 1997-98. Chair, Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force, 1998-. Member, Commission on Transportation Investment, 1999; Citizens Advisory Board for Brandenburg Center, 2000-.
Born in Cumberland, Maryland, December 19, 1934. Attended Allegany County parochial schools; University of Notre Dame, B.A., 1956. Served in U.S. Air Force R.O.T.C., 1952-54. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2000. Past president, Allegany County Liquor Dealers; Dapper Dan Club; Academy of Political Science, University of Notre Dame. Member, Elks; Eagles; Alhambra; Knights of Columbus; Cumberland Hall of Fame; South Cumberland Business and Civic Association; Chamber of Commerce; Maryland Wildlife Federation. Board of Advisors, Sacred Heart Hospital. Married.
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