The Interagency Committee on School Construction was established in 1971 to supervise public school construction in Maryland (Code Education Article, sec. 5-301). The State Superintendent of Schools chairs the Committee.

By December 7, each school system in the State annually submits to the Interagency Committee its capital improvement program for the following fiscal year, plus an updated continuing five-year plan. In consultation with local school board staff, the Committee either approves, defers, or modifies a school system's proposal. The Committee then submits a consolidated statewide capital improvement program with recommendations to the Board of Public Works, which acts at a special public meeting each January. Funding for approved allocations is made by the General Assembly.

Appropriations for the expense of administrative operations are included in the annual budgets of the Board of Public Works, the State Department of Education, the Department of General Services, and the Department of Planning. The three participating agencies furnish staff to the Committee. The Executive Director is appointed by and works under the direction of the Committee.

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