301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent, the Secretary of General Services is chief executive officer of the Department. The Secretary sets policy, promulgates rules and regulations, and manages Department programs and services. The Secretary also develops and oversees the budgets of the Department and its boards, commissions, and offices.

The Secretary of General Services advises the Board of Public Works and State government agencies on all public improvements and engineering matters (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 4-403 through 4-406). At meetings of the Board of Public Works, the Secretary presents the Department's portion of the Board's agenda. The Secretary also serves on the Board's Procurement Advisory Council.

Besides chairing the Government House Trust, the Secretary serves on the Governor's Executive Council; the Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Subcabinet; the Maryland Food Center Authority; the General Professional Services Selection Board; the Hall of Records Commission; and the State Information Technology Board. The Secretary also is a member of the Asbestos Oversight Committee; the Board of Directors, Bainbridge Development Corporation; the Commission on Correctional Standards; the Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs; the Pricing Committee for Blind Industries and Services of Maryland; the Pricing and Selection Committee for Rehabilitation and Employment Programs; and the Interagency Committee on School Construction.


301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The Deputy Secretary advises the Secretary of General Services, performs special assignments, and shares responsibility with the Secretary for managing the Department. The Deputy Secretary also assists the Secretary with the work of the State Board of Architectural Review and the Procurement Review Board.

301 West Preston St., Room 1405
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The State Board of Architectural Review began in 1949 (Chapter 80, Acts of 1949). Architectural designs and drawings for new State buildings or for reconstruction or repair of existing ones are reviewed by the Board which recommends how to make facilities functional and practical.

The Board has seven members. They are appointed to four-year terms by the Governor upon recommendation of the Secretary of General Services and with Senate advice and consent (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 4-701 through 4-704).

301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The Procurement Review Board formed in 1981 when the Board of Public Works delegated to the Department authority to review and approve internally certain contracts, or procurement transactions (COMAR The Department is required to report to the Board of Public Works concerning these contracts.

Membership includes all assistant secretaries of the Department.


301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The Fiscal Services Division started as the Office of Administrative and Fiscal Services and reorganized in 1991 as Fiscal and Contract Services. The unit received its present name in 1993. Formerly under Finance and Administration, the Fiscal Services Division transferred to the Office of Secretary in July 1999.

The Division manages the Department budget and provides accounting services to the Department and for statewide capital construction and maintenance administered by the Department. Accounting policies, procedures, and internal control standards are formulated and monitored by the Division.


Functions of Information Technology organized by 1981 as Data Information Services under the Office of Administration and Fiscal Services. By 1983, the unit became the Information Services Division and, in 1989, moved to the Office of Telecommunications. In 1991, the Division was made part of Finance and Administration and, in 1997, joined Procurement and Logistics. The Division reformed in March 1999 as the Information Technology Group, transferred to the Office of Secretary at that time, and restructured as Information Technology in December 1999.

This office manages and operates Department data and word processing resources, including the Department's AS/400 Minicomputer and 350 personal computers. It also provides security for these systems and serves as project manager in developing custom applications software for the AS/400.

Centralized word processing for the Department is provided by Information Technology. In addition, it is responsible for systems analysis and programming, and network and personal computer administration.


The Legal Division is responsible for court cases, reviewing and preparing contract documents, and providing legal opinions. The Division also represents the Department before the Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals.


Central Services Building
29 St. John's St.
Annapolis, MD 21401

To separate operations and maintenance from planning, engineering, and construction, Facilities Operations and Maintenance was established in 1993. This office oversees operations and maintenance of the 53 facilities throughout the State for which the Department of General Services is responsible. These facilities, totalling almost 6 million square feet of space, include eleven regional district court/multi-service centers, and the three State office centers at Annapolis and Baltimore (Preston Street Complex and Inner Harbor Complex).

Under Facilities Operations and Maintenance are the Maryland State Agency for Surplus Property, and four divisions: Annapolis Public Buildings and Grounds; Baltimore Public Buildings and Grounds; District Court/Multi-Service Centers; and the Inner Harbor State Office Complex.

[color photograph of obverse of Central Services Building, 29 St. John's St., Annapolis, Maryland]


Central Services Building
29 St. John's St.
Annapolis, MD 21401

The responsibility to care for State buildings in Annapolis dates to 1862 when the Governor was authorized to appoint custodians (Chapter 15, Acts of 1862). These duties devolved to a superintendent who, in 1970, headed the Office of Annapolis Public Buildings and Grounds within the Department of General Services (Chapter 97, Acts of 1970).

Central Services Building, 29 St. John's St, Annapolis, Maryland, January 2001. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

The Annapolis Public Buildings and Grounds Division operates, maintains, and secures the State Office Center in Annapolis. Some twenty-one State-owned buildings encompassing over 2 million square feet on 49 acres of landscaped areas and 24.5 acres of parking lots are overseen by the Division. The buildings house approximately 5,000 State employees and elected officials. The Division also maintains Government House and other historic buildings, including the State House, the Old Treasury Building and Shaw House. In addition, the Division cares for the Crownsville People's Resource Center and the Crownsville Day Care Center in Anne Arundel County.

To preserve facilities and equipment, the Division provides both preventive and routine maintenance; makes major repairs, alterations, and improvements; and supplies equipment and materials to maintain the State Office Center. A special police force and guards provide 24-hour security.


301 West Preston St., Room 1311
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The Baltimore Public Buildings and Grounds Division originated in 1958 when responsibilities for State buildings in Baltimore were assigned to a superintendent (Chapter 40, Acts of 1958). In 1970, these duties were delegated to the Office of Baltimore Public Buildings and Grounds when the Department of General Services was established (Chapter 97, Acts of 1970). By 1979, the Office was called a division.

The Baltimore Public Buildings and Grounds Division is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and security of four State buildings in Baltimore City. They are located at 201 West Preston St.; 300 West Preston St.; 301 West Preston St.; and 2100 Guilford Ave.

For facilities and equipment, the Division provides both preventive and routine maintenance, major repairs, alterations, improvements, supplies, and housekeeping services. The Division's special police and building guards offer around-the-clock security. The Baltimore State Office Complex houses some 5,400 State employees and includes 14 acres of landscaped area, and 19 acres of parking lots. The Division also maintains the four acres of the Maryland Vietnam Veterans' Memorial.

[color photograph of District Court/Multi-Service Center, Ritchie Highway, Glen Burnie, Maryland]


The District Court/Multi-Service Centers Division was established in January 2000 to consolidate oversight of eleven multi-service centers totalling over 1.4 million square feet, which were formerly the responsibility of several divisions.

District Court/Multi-Service Center, Ritchie Highway, Glen Burnie, Maryland, January 2001. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


6 St. Paul St.
Baltimore, MD 21202

The Inner Harbor State Office Complex formed in 1986 as the Saratoga State Center Division. The Division reorganized in 1992 as the Central North Public Buildings and Grounds Division and adopted its present name in 1994.

In Baltimore City, the Inner Harbor State Office Complex operates, maintains, and secures State buildings at 6 St. Paul St. (William Donald Schaefer Tower); 200 West Baltimore St. (Civic Plaza); 310 West Saratoga St.; 311 West Saratoga St.; and 500 North Hilton St. (Rosemont Center). In Howard County, the Complex is responsible for the State Records Management Center and Warehouse at 7275 Waterloo Road and the Motor Fuel Lab in Jessup. The Complex also oversees the Woodstock Center.

At the Jessup facility, the Complex provides both preventive and routine maintenance and oversees the contractual provision of some maintenance tasks and services. At the Saratoga State Center, the Complex provides preventive and routine maintenance, repairs, alterations, improvements, housekeeping, and security services for facilities and equipment. The Complex also supplies maintenance equipment and materials.


The Portfolio Management Division formed in July 1998 under Finance and Administration. In July 1999, the Division transferred to the Office of Secretary, and in 2000 moved under Facilities Operations and Maintenance.

The Division provides services ranging from fiscal management and long-term planning for Department capital assets to analysis of marketplace opportunities. In addition, the Division devises measures and tools with which to assess Department functions and processes.


P. O. Box 122
Brock Bridge Road
Jessup, MD 20794 - 0122

The Maryland State Agency for Surplus Property acquires for sale or other purposes federal and State surplus property. Surplus State property is available for sale to government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or the general public. Federal surplus property is limited to eligible donee institutions. The Agency is a self-sustaining public service.

Inmates from Jessup correctional facilities who are in the pre-release program are offered training and jobs by the Agency. The prisoners are taught wood refinishing; reupholstery; automotive repair; and general construction and maintenance. The Agency also coordinates with other State agencies such programs as the distribution of surplus federal blankets to homeless shelters, and surplus federal computers and educational equipment to local school boards.

Organized in 1947, the Agency was established by Executive Order in 1955. The Agency was formerly under the University of Maryland and joined the Department of General Services in 1987 (Executive Order 01.01.1987.19). In 1996, it was placed under the Materials Management Division and, in 1997, under Finance and Administration. In 1999, it became part of Facilities Operations and Maintenance.


301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

Facilities Planning, Engineering, and Construction began as the Office of Plant Management in 1971 to oversee State buildings and grounds in Annapolis and Baltimore. The Office reorganized in 1974 as the Division of Plant Management under the Office of Engineering and Construction. By 1979, the Division joined the Office of Facilities Acquisition and Management, which became the Office of Facilities Management by 1985. Renamed the Office of Statewide Facilities Maintenance in 1989, it reformed in 1993 as Facilities Planning, Engineering, and Construction. At that time, Facilities Operations and Maintenance assumed oversight of government buildings and grounds.

Facilities Planning, Engineering, and Construction is responsible for the Project Cost Center, and three divisions: Construction and Inspection; Maintenance Engineering; and Project Management and Design. This office also provides architectural and engineering staff to the General Professional Services Selection Board.

Energy Projects and Services organized in 1992 under the Engineering and Design Division, which became the Project Management and Design Division in 1996. In December 1999, Energy Projects and Services was placed directly under the Assistant Secretary for Facilities Planning, Engineering, and Construction.


301 West Preston St., Room 1212
Baltimore, MD 21201

Origins of the Construction and Inspection Division date to 1970, when the Construction Supervision and Inspection Division formed. Renamed Construction Management and Assessment Division in 1992, the Division became Construction and Assessment in 1993, and later that year the Construction Division. In 1996, it received its present name.

The Division inspects and supervises private contractors as they alter, renovate, or construct State buildings. By monitoring their work, the Division ensures that construction conforms to approved designs and specifications.


301 West Preston St., Room 1402
Baltimore, MD 21201

Created in December 1998, the Maintenance Engineering Division assists the Secretary of General Services in implementing maintenance management services for all State-owned facilities. The Division helps develop policies and procedures; establish, supervise, and review maintenance and repair programs for all public improvements; and resolve engineering problems. The Division also manages the capital and operating budgets for maintenance; hazardous materials projects; and critical maintenance projects under Program Open Space.


301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The Management Information Division began in 1981 as a program under the Project Cost Center. In 1994, it was elevated to a division under Facilities Planning, Engineering, and Construction and assumed its present name.

The Capital Projects Database is developed and maintained by the Division on the Department's AS/400 computer system. The Database links scheduling and budget information for capital projects, and reports on their progress throughout design and construction. For Facilities Planning, Engineering, and Construction, the Division provides information on active, inactive and completed projects. In addition, the Division produces annual reports for the Department, and helps management staff use computer software applications and hardware operations.


301 West Preston St., Room 1402
Baltimore, MD 21201

The Project Cost Center started in 1970. It provides architectural engineering and construction services in the cost management of major and complex building and related facilities projects. For the Department of Budget and Management, the Center reviews and revises capital budget requests from State agencies, including estimates analysis, conceptual design, and coordination. It also supervises value engineering procedures of in-house personnel and consultants to assure that capital projects over $10 million stay within their budget; prepares the Department's capital budget; and represents the Department at legislative budget hearings.


301 West Preston St., Room 1405
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The Project Management and Design Division was created in 1970 as the Design and Approval Division. Renamed Technical Services in 1991, it reorganized as the Engineering and Design Division in 1992. Under its present name, it assumed duties of the Project Management Division, and the Public School and Community College Construction Division in 1996.

The Division prepares all project documents required to construct and renovate State facilities. It oversees the work of architectural and engineering firms in preparing construction documents; reviews those documents at programmed stages of development; administers the construction bidding phase of the project; and advises the Construction Division during construction of any technical changes that occur.

To maintain State-owned facilities, the Division sets standards; assesses the condition and management practices of each building; and, for most facilities, reviews and verifies the funding needed for maintenance. For Facilities Operations and Maintenance, the Division performs special consulting services. In addition, the Division administers two programs: Community College Capital Improvement, and Public School Construction.

Community College Capital Improvement Program. For community colleges, the Division reviews design documents of each State-funded project, and master plans for the facilities of each institution and program.

Public School Construction Program. For public school construction, the Division reviews requests from each local education agency, participates in public hearings, and reviews design documents for all public school projects receiving State funding. It recommends which projects should be authorized for construction bidding.


301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

In 1970, Procurement and Logistics began as the Office of Central Services. The Office reorganized as Services and Logistics in 1991 and assumed its present name in 1995.

Procurement and Logistics oversees the Procurement and Contracting Office, Minority Business Enterprise, and three divisions: Inventory Standards and Support Services; Records Management; and Visual Communications and Digital Imaging.

Minority Business Enterprise oversees departmental procedures and policies for procuring supplies, services, maintenance, architectural and engineering services, and construction contracts. The unit also monitors procurement contract performance to ensure compliance with State law. To secure at least fourteen percent of both total contract dollars and number of procurements for certified minority business enterprises, the unit conducts outreach activities within the minority business community (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 14-301 through 14-308).


301 West Preston St., Room 1301
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2308

The Inventory Standards and Support Services Division originated in 1977 as the Inventory Management Division (Chapter 970, Acts of 1977). It became the Inventory Standards and Support Services Division in 1992. As Inventory Standards and Support Services, it was placed under the Materials Management Division in 1996. It reorganized as a division again in 1997.

The Division manages the use of State government property and plans and controls inventories of State materials, supplies, and food items. To minimize the cost of maintaining inventories, it establishes investment standards and controls for government agencies. The Division issues policy guidelines and regulations and provides technical assistance to State agencies on inventory controls, planning, storage, and distribution. It manages physical inventory, personal property disposal, and the Department's Fleet Management Program. The Division also oversees the Automated Fuel Management Program which, by 1998, had 85 stations dispensing gasoline, diesel fuel, and compressed natural gas to some 12,000 State agency vehicles.


301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The Procurement and Contracting Office formed in November 1993 to centralize procurement and contracting functions of the Department. The Office oversees procurement for commodities, design and construction, and services for facilities and real estate.

Under the Office are five programs: Commodity Procurement and the Purchasing Bureau; Facilities and Construction Contracting; Management Support; Procurement Administration and Support; and Services Contracting.

Commodity Procurement and Purchasing Bureau began in 1920 as the Central Purchasing Bureau (Chapter 184, Acts of 1920). The Bureau was placed under the Department of General Services in 1970 (Chapter 97, Acts of 1970). In 1993, the Bureau was made part of the Procurement and Contracting Office.

The Bureau purchases all materials, supplies, and equipment used by State agencies. Annually, it buys over $150 million worth of commodities ranging from office supplies to medicines and food items.

State agencies must submit requisitions to the Bureau for all purchases, except exempt commodities or those costing less than $1,000. The requisition identifies both the commodity and quantity requested. The commodity may be ordered through an open-ended contract developed by the Bureau, bid through the Bureau as an individual requirement, or ordered as part of the Bureau's scheduled purchase program. Emergency procurements can be made by an agency whenever the purchase is necessary to preserve human life or State property (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 4-301 through 4-315).

Facilities and Construction Contracting started in December 1993. To support State facility construction and renewal, the unit arranges for architectural, engineering, construction and maintenance services.

Management Support originated as the Contract Services Division under Finance and Administration. The Division was renamed Management Support and made part of the Procurement and Contracting Office in 1993.

Management Support oversees all capital project bidding and prepares and distributes the Department's action agenda to the Board of Public Works. The unit also prepares and distributes the agenda of the Procurement Review Board. Monthly, the unit compiles a Procurement Agency Activity Report that describes transactions approved by the Procurement Review Board.

Created in 1992, Procurement Administration and Support provides administrative and data processing support to the Procurement and Contracting Office and other divisions under Procurement and Logistics. The office works on program reports and special projects for the Assistant Secretary for Procurement and Logistics, oversees bids and proposals, implements commodity and printing procurement initiatives for Minority Business Enterprise, maintains the master vendor file, and oversees computer operations training.

Through its Computer Information Services Section, Procurement Administration and Support supervises the Advanced Purchasing and Inventory Control System (ADPICS), which replaced the Central Automated Purchasing System (CAPS) in 1995. ADPICS was designed as part of the statewide Financial Management Information System (FMIS), an integrated management information system. Many procurement and inventory functions were automated by ADPICS, allowing government agencies to report procurement and inventory data as well as process procurement requests electronically.

Within the Office of Procurement and Contracting, Technology was established in June 2000. This program assists the Department in the procurement of related items and support internet and Advanced Purchasing and Inventory Control System (ADPICS).


P. O. Box 275
State Records Management Center
7275 Waterloo Road (Routes 175 & U.S. 1)
Jessup, MD 20794 - 0275

Authorized in 1953, the Records Management Division originally was administered by the Hall of Records Commission (Chapter 436, Acts of 1953). The Division moved to the Department of General Services in 1984 (Chapter 286, Acts of 1984).

The Division manages the records of all departments and agencies of Maryland State government and helps prepare retention and disposal schedules for those records. By law, no public records of State agencies can be destroyed without scheduling and the prior approval of the State Archives.

At the Central Records Center in Jessup, the Division stores inactive State records, which must be retained for specified periods of time to meet State legal and administrative needs. The Division also coordinates the Forms Management Program and the forms management plans of each department or agency to minimize the number of forms needed. In addition, to all State agencies, the Division offers cost-reimbursable microfilm services, including both source-document and computer-output microfilming (Code State Government Article, secs. 10-631 through 10-634).


301 West Preston St., Room M-8
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305

The Visual Communications and Digital Imaging Division evolved from certain functions of two agencies: the Purchasing Bureau and the Office Services Section. In 1970, the Office Services Section formed within the Office of Central Services. When the printing purchasing functions of the Purchasing Bureau combined with the Office Services Section, the Printing and Publication Division was created in 1974. After formation of the Office of Procurements and Contracting, the Division restructured as the Graphics and Reproduction Services in 1994. It was renamed the Visual Communications and Digital Imaging Division in 1997.

The Division assists State agencies with graphic reproduction, including printing, publishing, duplicating, photocopying, graphic design, typography and graphic art production. The Division helps State agencies set performance standards and goals for in-State duplicating and copying installations. It also prepares State specifications and standards for printing, publication, equipment, and supplies. Procurements of equipment, supplies and services for them are made by or through the Division and are subject to Division standards (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, sec. 4-305).


The Division provides agencies with duplicating and photocopying on a reimbursable basis from its Annapolis and Baltimore Duplicating Centers. These centers offer same-day service and short-run, short-schedule service not economically available from commercial sources.

In Baltimore and Annapolis, the Division's courier system delivers interoffice mail and duplicating orders for State government agencies. U.S. mail is picked up by the Division, metered with postage, and given to a contract firm for presorting.

The Division's Visual Communications Section provides layout and design services, including type selection, lettering, line drawings, arrangement of composite copy for photography, cover design, and preparation of camera-ready copy on a reimbursable basis.


[color photograph of 300 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland] 300 West Preston St., Room 601
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2308

In July 1978, Real Estate was formed by the Department of General Services. This office coordinates the State's real estate activities and long-term strategic planning for the acquisition and disposition of leased and State-owned real property.

Under Real Estate are four units: Land Acquisition and Disposal; Lease Management and Procurement; Legal Counsel; and Valuation and Appraisal.

300 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, December 2000. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


Land Acquisition and Disposal began in 1969 as the Land Acquisition Division of the Department of Public Improvements (Chapter 403, Acts of 1969). The Division joined the Department of General Services in 1970 and became Land Acquisition and Disposal in 1991. In 1995, functions of Land Acquisition and Disposal merged with Lease Management and Procurement. In 1998, they were made separate units.

Land Acquisition and Disposal purchases, leases, and disposes of real property for all State agencies (except the Department of Transportation). The office also oversees the Program Open Space unit.

The Program Open Space unit started in 1996. It acquires all Open Space property for State parks, wildlife preserves, and natural environment areas for the Department of Natural Resources. To secure such property, the unit obtains independent appraisals, negotiates with owners, secures purchase options, and requests Board of Public Works approval on the proposed terms of purchase. The disposition of excess property and property transfers between State agencies also are processed by Program Open Space and presented for approval to the Board of Public Works. In addition, the unit obtains or grants rights of way and public utility, preservation and scenic easements (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 4-411 through 4-414).


For State agencies, Lease Management and Procurement oversees the acquisition of commercial real property for use as State offices and procures leases of real property (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 4-318 through 4-321). Formed in 1998, this unit conducts surveys of State requirements for leased space, sets standards for the allocation and assignment of leased and State-owned space, and approves space modifications. The unit ensures landlord compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and oversees alterations of leased facilities. In addition, the unit negotiates certain concession agreements and makes recommendations to the Board of Public Works on the need for State office space construction.


Legal Counsel prepares and reviews leases, contracts of sale, deeds, easements, rights-of-way, and real estate transaction documents. The unit acquires title insurance and ensures the accuracy of title and property descriptions. To other State agencies, Legal Counsel also provides assistance with interagency transfers or agreements, and joint acquisitions of property.


Created in 1992, Valuation and Appraisal oversees matters of real estate valuation for all State agencies, except the Department of Transportation. The unit obtains and reviews independent appraisals of properties to be acquired by State government. It also evaluates appraisals for capital grants and loans, the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, and disposal of State real property assets. In addition, the unit conducts staff appraisals and special studies.

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