[Photograph of Department Secretary] RAYMOND A. SKINNER, Secretary of Housing & Community Development

Secretary of Housing and Community Development since December 17, 1998. Deputy Secretary, Department of Housing and Community Development, 1995-98.

Director, Department of Housing and Community Development, Prince George's County, 1990-95.

Chair, Housing Finance Review Committee, 1995-98. Member, Partnership Policy Council on Block Grants, 1996-98; Commission to Review Landlord-Tenant Laws, 1998.

Chair, Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 1998-. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 1998-; Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 1998-; Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families, 1998-; Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Subcabinet, 1998-; Maryland Affordable Housing Trust, 1998-; Interagency Committee on Aging Services, 1998-; Maryland Commission for Celebration 2000, 1998-; Community Reinvestment Board, 1998-; Governor's Flood Mitigation Task Force for Western Maryland, 1998-; Advisory Committee for the Jefferson Patterson Historical Park and Museum, 1998-; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 1998-; Maryland Museum of African-American History and Culture Commission, 1998-; Task Force to Study the Preservation and Enhancement of Maryland's Heritage Resources, 1998-99; Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force, 1998-; Governor's Interagency Council for the Nonprofit Sector, 1999-; Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code Advisory Council, 2000-; State Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council, 2000-.

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 27, 1947. Pennsylvania State University, B.S., 1969; University of Pennsylvania, M.C.P. (city planning), 1972. Harvard University (senior executive institute), 1984, 1997. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (minority developers executive program), 1989. Urban Planner, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1972-74. Principal City Planner, Planning Department, Baltimore City, 1974-77. Chief, Area Planning Division, Office of Planning, District of Columbia, 1980-85 (chief, physical planning unit, 1977-79; special assistant to director, 1979-80). President, R. A. Skinner Associates, 1985-86. Special Assistant to Deputy Mayor, District of Columbia, 1987. Married; two children.

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