[Photograph of Department Secretary] STUART O. SIMMS, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services

Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services since November 5, 1997.

Staff Counsel for U.S. Senator Paul S. Sarbanes, 1977-78. Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland, 1978-82. Deputy State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1983-87. State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1987-95. Member, Governor's Study Commission on Legal Fees; Governor's Task Force on Alternative Sanctions to Incarceration, 1991-92; Governor's Commission on Funding of the Arts in Maryland, 1991-92; Governor's Commission on the Death Penalty, 1992-93.

Secretary of Juvenile Justice, 1995-97. Co-Chair, Task Force on Juvenile Justice Reform, 1995-97. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 1995-97; Governor's Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families, 1995-97; Commission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 1995-97; Maryland Juvenile Justice Advisory Council, 1995-97; Governor's Commission on Service, 1995-97. Member, Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 1995-97 (co-chair, juvenile justice reform task force, 1995-97); Institutional Educator Pay Plan Committee, 1995-; State Board of Victim Services, 1995-; Work Force Investment Board, 1995-97; Governor's Task Force on Children, Youth, and Families Systems Reform, 1996. Chair, Governor's Task Force on the Fair Imposition of the Death Penalty, 1996.

Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services, 1997-. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 1997-; Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 1997-; Asbestos Oversight Committee, 1997-; Maryland Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 1997-98; Educational Coordinating Council for Correctional Institutions, 1997-; State Information Technology Board, 1997-; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 1997-; Pricing Committee for Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, 1997-; Pricing and Selection Committee for Rehabilitation and Employment Programs, 1997-; Sentencing Guidelines Advisory Board, 1997-99; Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, 1997-; Special Study Commission on the Maryland Public Ethics Law, 1998; Committee on Building Public Trust and Confidence in the Justice System, 1998-99; Governor's Task Force on Childproof Guns, 1999; Governor's Year-2000 Readiness Task Force, 1999-2000; Education Coordinating Council for Correctional Institutions, 1999-; State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 1999-; Commission on Juvenile Justice Jurisdiction, 1999-; Cease Fire Council, 2000-; Correctional Training Commission, 2000-.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 17, 1950. Dartmouth College, B.A. (government), cum laude, 1972; Harvard University School of Law, J.D., 1975. Associate attorney, Semmes, Bowen & Semmes, 1975-77. Board member, Citizens' Planning and Housing Association, 1975-77; Baltimore Zoological Society, 1984-; Sinai Hospital, 1987-; Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, 1988-; Baltimore Museum of Art, 1988-; Baltimore Education Scholarship Trust, 1990-. Member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (board member, 1990-92); Urban League. Member, Advisory Board, University of Baltimore School of Law. Vestry, St. James Episcopal Church, 1986-90. Married; two sons.

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