For all energy-related matters coming under the purview of the Governor, the Maryland Energy Administration is the central coordinating agency. The Administration implements the State Energy Conservation Plan and oversees loan programs for energy improvements in schools, hospitals, municipal buildings, and facilities housing nonprofit organizations. It also approves energy performance contract projects for State agencies and advises State agencies on matters of fuel oil shortage. In addition, the Administration helps industries promote market-ready energy-efficient innovations.
During energy supply emergencies, the Administration is responsible for fuel allocations and contingency planning. It is the lead agency for implementing alternative fuel policy (National Energy Policy Act of 1992). In Maryland, the Administration also conducts the federal Institutional Conservation Program, certain oil overcharge projects, and other programs established by the 1992 federal act.
The Director of the Administration is appointed by the Governor (Code 1957, Art. 41, secs. 10-701 through 10-705).
Council members include county energy coordinators from around the State.
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In response to the Governor's challenge to the counties to reduce energy consumption, the Maryland Counties Energy Council was formed in October 1990. The Council promotes energy conservation practices in county government in collaboration with the Maryland Energy Administration, the Maryland Association of Counties, public utilities, and other organizations responsible for energy resources.
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