The State Lottery Agency conducts statewide lotteries for instant, daily, keno and lotto games, as well as a lotto subscription game. The Agency also conducts a three-digit daily lottery called "The Numbers Game" (Pick 3); and a four-digit lottery (Pick 4). In addition, the Agency runs a pick-6-out-of-49 Lotto Game with minimum jackpots of $1 million and twice-weekly drawings. Revenues from the State Lottery are deposited with General Funds in the State Treasury. Lottery revenues are the State's third largest revenue source, after income taxes and sales taxes.
Introduced in 1996, "The Big Game," is a multi-state game with larger jackpots and more ways to win. Players select six numbers: five out of 50 and one out of 25. Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Virginia also participate in this game. Proceeds from the "Big Game" and certain instant scratch-off games are designated for the Maryland Stadium Authority.
In licensed retail establishments, lottery ticket sales outlets sell and cash in daily lottery tickets through a terminal connected to a computerized on-line real-time system. Prizes of $600 or less may be claimed through any of these sales outlets. Each provides How-to-Play brochures and other game information.
Official winning numbers are drawn on live television. For the Pick 3 and Pick 4 games, they are drawn midday (Monday through Saturday) and evenings (Monday through Sunday). Evening drawings also are held for the Lotto Game (Saturday and Wednesday), and for the Big Game each Friday night.
The Director of the Agency is appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent (Code State Government Article, secs. 9-101 through 9-125).
Within the State Lottery Agency are four divisions: Administration, Finance, and Operations; Information Technology; Marketing; and Sales. The Agency also is aided by the State Lottery Commission.
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The State Lottery Commission serves as an advisory board to the State Lottery Agency. The Commission's five members are appointed to four-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent (Code State Government Article, secs. 9-104 through 9-106).Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies
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