Violeta R. de la Pena, Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Jacqueline R. Agtuca, Esq.; Robert L. Cosby, Jr., Ph.D.; Leronia A. Josey, Esq.; Lt. O. Ben Lieu; Saswati Paul, Esq.; J. John (Sunny) Wycliffe; W. Andrew Youn, Esq.; Hugo A. Zia, Esq.; two vacancies.

Appointed by Senate President: Delores G. Kelley

Appointed by House Speaker: David M. Valderrama

Ex officio: Carolyn H. Henneman, designee of Attorney General; Capt. Kenneth E. Ward, designee of Secretary of State Police.

Contact: Shu-Ping Chan

c/o Office of Asian-Pacific American Affairs
Dept. of Human Resources
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-7138
e-mail: mdapa@hotmail.com
fax: (410) 333-3980

Report to Governor & General Assembly due (1st draft completed June 1999).

The Task Force to Study Anti-Asian Violence was created in 1995 (Chapter 311, Acts of 1995) and reformed in 1997 (Chapter 395, Acts of 1997). The Task Force charge was to devise a plan to prevent and reduce the incidence of violence against Asian Americans. The Task Force also examined the problem of anti-Asian violence in Maryland and legal remedies for it; reviewed the efforts of other states to combat violence; and developed public education programs to counteract biased anti-Asian sentiments.

The Office of Asian-Pacific American Affairs staffed the Task Force. Authorization for the Task Force expired January 1, 1998 (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 18-308).

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