Chair (chosen by Governor): Vernon J. Thompson, designee of Secretary of Business & Economic Development

Appointed by Governor: Robert E. Lohfeld; Douglas C. McPherson; Edward B. Magrab, Ph.D.; Earl H. Robbins, Jr.; John C. Weiss III.

Appointed by Senate President: Patrick J. Hogan; Leonard H. Teitelbaum.

Appointed by House Speaker: Kumar P. Barve; A. Wade Kach.

Maryland Association of Counties representative: Anthony Tomasello

Maryland Municipal League representative: Raymond S. Wacks

Ex officio: Stephen M. Cordi, designee of Comptroller of the Treasury; Vernon J. Thompson, designee of Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Ronald W. Wineholt, Director of Assessments & Taxation.

Staff: Ernie A. Kent

c/o Office of Regulatory Affairs & Analysis
Division of Regional Development
Dept. of Business & Economic Development
217 East Redwood St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3316
(410) 767-6488
e-mail: ekent@mdbusiness.state.md.us
fax: (410) 333-1836

The Task Force to Examine the Applicability of Manufacturing Laws to High-Technology Businesses was initiated in 1997 (Chapter 730, Acts of 1997). The Task Force determined how current State manufacturing laws apply to high-technology businesses and whether these laws encourage or deter the growth of technology-based businesses in Maryland. The Task Force also recommended ways to foster the growth of high-technology businesses in the State.

In December 1997, the Task Force submitted its final report to the Governor and General Assembly. Authorization for the Task Force ended January 1, 1998.

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