Appointed by Governor:
Chair (chosen by Governor): Ronald L. Freeland, Motor Vehicle Administrator

Howard B. Merker; James N. Vaughan; two vacancies.

Ex officio: Barbara Scherr, designee of State Superintendent of Schools; C. Wayne Kempske, designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Ruth A. Phillips, designee of Secretary of Juvenile Services; John R. Griffin, Secretary of Natural Resources; W. Roland Knapp, designee of Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Col. David B. Mitchell, Secretary of State Police; Dennis R. Atkins, designee of State Highway Administrator; John E. Smialek, M.D., Chief Medical Examiner; Eugene Peterson, Administrator, Region III, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Contact: Valerie A. Serio

c/o Motor Vehicle Administration
6601 Ritchie Highway, NE
Glen Burnie, MD 21062
(410) 424-3105

Initiated informally by the Governor in May 1987, the Governor's Executive Committee on Drunk and Drugged Driving was established by Executive Order in 1994 (Executive Order 01.01.1994.30). The Committee was to coordinate the policies and actions of State agencies regarding drunk or drugged driving. It also was to recommends ways to deter alcohol- and drug-impaired driving. Periodically, the Committee made program and policy recommendations to the Governor.

The Committee last met in July 1994.

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