Appointed by Governor: Tamia Boyer-Robinson; John K. Chlada; Joseph P. Lewandowski; Roger I. Lyons; Nathaniel T. Oaks; Samuel Sanchez; Jay P. Sherman; Bonnie R. Wilson.
Appointed by Senate President: Joan Carter Conway
Appointed by House Speaker: James W. Hubbard
Maryland Association of Counties representative: John S. Mathias, Esq.
Maryland Municipal League representative: Cheyenne R. Watson
Ex officio: Arthur W. Ray, designee of Secretary of the Environment; Robert Venezia, Dr.P.H., designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene.
Bonnie R. Wilson, Chair (chosen by Council)
Appointed by Council: Suzanne Bond; Tami Boyer-Robinson; Irwin Duncan; Gene Georgia; Lynn Pinder; Arthur W. Ray; Samuel Sanchez; Felicia Verrett; Cheyenne R. Watson; Jean Yarborough.
Robert Venezia, Dr.P.H., Chair (chosen by Council)
Appointed by Council: John K. Chlada; Jean Carter Conway; Gene Georgia; James W. Hubbard; Joseph P. Lewandowski; John S. Mathias, Esq.
Staff: Nadine Hailey
c/o Office of Fair Practices
Dept. of the Environment
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224
(410) 631-3086
1-800-633-6101 ext. 3086 (toll free, Maryland)
fax: (410) 631-4496
The Advisory Council on Environmental Justice was created in 1997 (Chapter 741, Acts of 1997). The Council charge was to examine and make recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and State and local government units on issues and policies relating to environmental justice. The law defines environmental justice as "equal protection from environmental and health hazards for all people regardless of race, income, culture, and social class."
For Marylanders whose health or environment are affected by State agency actions, the Council was to involve communities in planning for environmental and economic enhancement. The Council assessed the impact of State policies and programs on those communities; and encouraged public-private partnerships to address environmental justice issues. The Council also worked to make public health a factor in planning for revitalization of communities; heightened the sensitivity of State and local officials to environmental justice issues; and promoted fair enforcement of all health and environmental laws in disadvantaged areas where minorities and the poor live. In addition, the Council helped collect data and analyzed existing data on environmental justice; served as a clearinghouse for information; and developed interagency model projects on strategies for environmental justice.
In November 1999, the Council submitted its report to the Governor and General Assembly.
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