Gary G. Allen, Chair (chosen by Governor), 1999

Appointed by Governor: Frances C. Cullen; Jeff A. Messenger; William R. Miles; Ernest L. Murphy, Ph.D.; Jodi R. O'Day, Esq.; Sylvia D. Whitworth; Robert E. Wolf. Terms expire 1999.

Contact: Steven W. Koehn

c/o Forest Service
Department of Natural Resources
Tawes State Office Building
580 Taylor Ave.
Annapolis, MD 21401 - 2397
(410) 260-8502
fax: (410) 260-8595

The Governor created the Maryland Forestry Task Force in February 1998 (Executive Order 01.01.1998.09). The Task Force made a comprehensive survey of the State's forests. It assessed what forest product industries and forest landowners contribute to Maryland's economy and environment and will inform Marylanders about these contributions. The Task Force also studied how forest land affects the State's ecosystem, particularly its water quality.

To conserve, protect, and replenish private forest lands, the Task Force examined the effects of statutory and regulatory restrictions on landowners. It considered how economic incentives might keep private forests productive and safe from development, and how to encourage forestry management practices on those lands.

Interim reports were submitted to the Governor in December 1998, and February 2000, followed by a final report in December 2000.

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