Frances Anne Glendening, Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Louise E. Akerson; Carroll R. Armstrong; Howard A. Buchanan; Ralph E. Eshelman, Ph.D.; Dennis A. Fiori; D. Tyler Gearhart; Jack S. Griswold; Eric K. Hertfelder; Patricia E. Hayes Parker; Edmund A. Stanley, Jr.; Patricia E. Williams.

Appointed by Senate President: Roy P. Dyson

Appointed by House Speaker: David D. Rudolph

Ex officio: Frances Anne Glendening, First Lady of Maryland; T. Eloise Foster, Secretary of Budget & Management; Richard C. Mike Lewin, Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Raymond A. Skinner, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Sarah J. Taylor-Rogers, Ph.D., Secretary of Natural Resources.

Staff: William J. Pencek, Jr.

c/o Division of Historical & Cultural Programs
Dept. of Housing & Community Development
100 Community Place
Crownsville, MD 21032
(410) 514-7604
e-mail: pencek@dhcd.state.md.us
fax: (410) 514-7678

The Governor authorized the Task Force to Study the Preservation and Enhancement of Maryland's Heritage Resources in 1998 (Executive Order 01.01.1998.21; Executive Order 01.01.1999.07; Executive Order 01.01.1999.11). Heritage resources are museums, districts, sites, buildings, structures, monuments, or objects significant to the prehistory, history, upland and underwater archeology, architecture, engineering, and culture of Maryland.

The Task Force assessed the condition of Maryland's heritage resources. It evaluated how well they are aided by the private sector, and by assistance programs and tax policies of federal, State and local jurisdictions. The Task Force also recommended a plan by which to increase private investment in the preservation of heritage resources. In addition, the Task Force devised strategies to prioritize important needs of the heritage resource community, encourage financial self-sufficiency for heritage resources, and review how State agencies identify and protect historic properties in their care.

On January 1, 2000, the Task Force submitted its preliminary report to the Governor and General Assembly, and on January 1, 2001, its final report.

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