Appointed by Governor:
Newton E. Kendig, M.D., Co-Chair
David Vlahov, Ph.D., Co-Chair

David N. Bezanson; Mack Bonner, M.D.; Devon Brown, J.D.; Jay H. Cutler; Thomas W. Davis, Jr.; Lt. Keith C. Hamby; Jacqueline Ryles Harris; Cpl. Michael T. Martin; Joan Narer-Hebden, R.N.; Eugene M. Nuth; Andrew P. Reese; Liza Solomon, Dr.P.H.; Dwight H. Sullivan, Esq.; Alice E. Thompson; Lawrence S. Wissow, Ph.D.

Staff: Kathy Chavis, Esq.

c/o AIDS Administration
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
500 North Calvert St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 767-5013
e-mail: chavisk@dhmh.state.md.us
fax: (410) 333-6333

The Task Force to Study HIV Exposure in Maryland Correctional Facilities began in 1997 (Chapter 526, Acts of 1997). The Task Force assessed the nature of potential and actual exposures to human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) between prison inmates and correctional officers. It also evaluated HIV education and training for inmates and correctional officers. For inmates and correctional officers, the Task Force determined the feasibility and cost effectiveness of mandatory HIV antibody testing; the current status of treatment for those infected with HIV or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS); and the feasibility of and procedures for providing treatment to those infected with HIV.

On March 2, 1998, the Task Force submitted its final report to the Governor, General Assembly, Senate Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee, and House Environmental Matters Committee.

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