Norman R. Stone, Jr., Co-Chair (chosen by Governor)
John F. Wood, Jr., Co-Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Charles R. Berman; Rudolph S. Brown, Jr.; Betty Ann Cornwell; Paul G. Goetzke, Esq.; James W. Gosnell, Jr.; Burton E. Greenwood, Sr.; James S. Grimes; David C. Massey; William H. Mayer; Walter M. Meinhardt, Jr.; Neil A. Myers, Sr.; Sandra F. Peaches, Esq.; Gary T. Phillips; B. Scott Pittaway; William S. Power; Michael E. Rice; Michael J. Sanderson; William A. Sasser; Nancy J. Stamboni; Jerry B. Sullivan; Walter C. Thompson; Roland E. Wilson, Sr.

Appointed by Senate President: Norman R. Stone, Jr.

Appointed by House Speaker: John F. Wood, Jr.

Ex officio: Capt. R. Joel Underwood, designee of Secretary of State Police; Eltra E. Nelson, designee of Motor Vehicle Administrator.

Staff: Sherri L. Cook (410) 865-1011

c/o Motor Vehicle Administration
Dept. of Transportation
6601 Ritchie Highway, NE
Glen Burnie, MD 21062
(410) 768-7274
e-mail: mvacs@mdot.state.md.us

The Task Force to Study Motor Vehicle Liens, Regulation of Towing Practices, and the Disposition of Unclaimed Vehicles organized in 1997 (Chapter 396, Acts of 1997). Its charge was to study how the State regulates the storage, towing, disposal, and imposition of liens on motor vehicles, and the disposition of abandoned vehicles. The Task Force also examined the rights and obligations of persons who have vehicles towed from their property; the rights of vehicle owners whose vehicles are towed without their consent; and related issues.

The Task Force submitted its report on January 12, 1998, to the Governor, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, and the House Commerce and Government Matters Committee. Authorization for the Task Force ended December 31, 1997.

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