Melvin A. Steinberg, Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Richard Bernstein; Royal Hart; F. Suzanne Jenniches; Shirley Q. Marshall; Steven Muller, Ph.D.; Lynwood P. Randolph; Donna S. Stevenson; Robert J. Shuman; Donald J. Slowinski, Ed.D.; Lynn S. Wright.

Staff: David E. Sumler, Ph.D.

c/o Maryland Higher Education Commission
16 Francis St.
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 974-2971, ext. 133
fax: (410) 974-3513

In January 1998, the Governor's Commission on Technology in Higher Education was formed by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.1998.02B). The Task Force charge was to forecast what kinds of technology jobs will become available and determine the resources necessary to prepare students for those jobs. The Task Force also was to evaluate the technology needs of higher education institutions and recommend ways to coordinate resources among them. In addition, the Task Force was charged with analyzing the costs to the State and higher education institutions of providing computer hardware and software and telecommunications software, and maintaining equipment.

In September 1998, the Commission submitted its report to the Governor.

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