Chair: John T. Willis, Secretary of State
F. Vernon Boozer, Esq., Vice-Chair (chosen by Governor)
Julian L. Lapides, Esq., Vice-Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: H. Harry Basehart, Ph.D.; Frances Murphy Draper; Janet S. Owens; Lt. Gen. Emmett Paige, Jr. (Ret.); Linda B. Pierson; Raymond G. Thieme.

Appointed by Senate President: Michael J. Collins; Joan Carter Conway.

Appointed by House Speaker: John S. Arnick; Robert H. Kittleman.

Ex officio: Helen L. Koss, Chair, State Board of Elections; Marvin L. Cheatham, President, Maryland Association of Election Officials.

Staff: Nikki Baines Trella

c/o Office of Secretary of State
State House
Annapolis, Md 21401
(410) 974-5521, ext. 479
e-mail: ntrella@sos.state.md.us
fax: (410) 974-5527

In December 2000, the Governor formed the Special Committee on Voting Systems and Election Procedures in Maryland (Executive Order 01.01.2000.25).

The Committee evaluated what election systems and procedures currently are used in the State, including procedures for recounts and contested elections. To ensure fair elections in Maryland, the Committee recommended statutory and regulatory changes and determined the cost of new election systems.

On Feburary 9, 2001, the Committee reported to the Governor.

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