Appointed by Governor:
Chair (chosen by Governor): Catherine D. DeAngelis, M.D., designee of President, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Susan Anthony; Georges C. Benjamin, M.D.; Lyn Brooks; Katherine (Katie) Dover; Kelley Ennis; Pearl S. German, Sc.D.; Susan R. Guarnieri, M.D.; James A. Guest; Florence Hamlin; Elizabeth Hurwitz-Schwab; Cynthia E. Kielinen, Ed.D.; Lainy M. LeBow-Sachs; Gail S. Lemaire, R.N.; Sally J. Michel; Sr. Rosemarie T. Nassif, Ph.D.; Sandra Pinckney; Vivian W. Pinn, M.D.; Alexandra Pruner; Patricia A. Schroeder; Ebony Smith; Anne Stoline, M.D.; Deborah Wheat; Mary M. Woolley.

Ex officio: Martin P. Wassermann, M.D., J.D., Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Alvin C. Collins, Secretary of Human Resources; Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Sharon L. O'Keefe, designee of President & Chief Executive Officer, University of Maryland Medical System Corp.

Staff: Elizabeth G. Barnard

c/o Office of Planning & Capital Financing
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston St., Room 505
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-6817
fax: (410) 333-7525

The Commission on Women's Health started as the Governor's Commission on Women's Health. Formed in February 1993, it concluded its work in November 1993. In July 1994, however, the Governor established the Commission on Women's Health as a continuing body as recommended by the former commission (Executive Order 01.01.1994.18). The Commission promoted public and private partnerships to provide education on women's health issues. The Commission also sponsored a health fair on women's health in March 1997.

In January 1998, the Commission reformed as the Women's Health Promotion Council (Executive Order 01.01.1998.05)

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