Chair: Parris N. Glendening, Governor
Vice Chair: Major F. Riddick, Jr., Governor's Chief of Staff

Ex officio: Frederick W. Puddester, Secretary of Budget & Management; Georges C. Benjamin, M.D., Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Stuart O. Simms, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; David B. Mitchell, Secretary of State Police; John D. Porcari, Secretary of Transportation; Lt. General James F. Fretterd, Adjutant General; David McMillion, Director, Maryland Emergency Management Agency; Frederick H. Hoover, Jr., Director, Maryland Energy Administration; Murray Levy, President, Maryland Association of Counties; Andrew C. Hanko, President, Maryland Municipal League.

Staff: Yvette M. Johnson, Y2K Administrator

c/o State Emergency Operations Center
Maryland Emergency Management Agency
Camp Fretterd Military Reservation
5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive
Reisterstown, MD 21136
(410) 517-3600
fax: (410) 517-3610

The Governor formed the Governor's Year-2000 Readiness Task Force in April 1999 (Executive Order 01.01.1999.09). The Task Force monitored actions taken prior to January 1, 2000 by State government agencies to prepare for and mitigate anticipated computer problems. Actions taken in response to and recovery from any computer failures or malfunctions resulting from Year-2000 conversion also were monitored.

To protect the citizens of Maryland, the Task Force reviewed and made recommendations on State Year-2000 conversion activities; the State of Maryland Year-2000 assessment report; contingency planning by State government agencies; results from the Maryland Year-2000 training exercise; and response plans for activating the State Emergency Operations Center. As available, the Task Force also reviewed the plans and efforts of local jurisdictions, nonprofit organizations, and businesses. Through a cooperative public information campaign, the Task Force informed Maryland citizens about the status of Year-2000 readiness.

After the Year-2000 conversion, the Task Force again reviewed reports from the State Emergency Operations Center, and State government agencies, and published a report in March 2000.

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