Chair: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Lt. Governor
Vice-Chair: Michael E. Morrill, Director of Communication, Office of Governor

Public information officers from State agencies: Floraine B. Applefeld; W. Dale Baxter; Anthony Brown; Margaret T. Burns; John (Jack) Cahalan; Pamela Causey; Marilyn J. Corbett; Caryn Coyle; Sue Dupont; Valerie B. Edgar; Michael Golden; Allen R. Gosnell; Marie B. Hampton; Christopher Hart; Dave Humphrey; Elizabeth (Liz) M. Kalinowski; Harold H. Kanarek; Butch Kinerney; Jacqueline Lampell; Tori Leonard; Frank Mann; Elana M. Mezile; Karen Napolitano; Douglas J. Neilson; Ronald A. Peiffer; Brian Prince; Jody B. Rosen; M. Carol Salmon; Judi Scioli; Gregory M. Shipley; Leonard A. Sipes; Drew Sullins; Bernice Verner; Lori A. Vidil; Bobette Watts; Jeffrey Welsh; Hollis J. (Jimmy) White; Erline Wilson; Carol Wonsavage; Susan E. Woods.

Ex officio: President, Red Cross of Central Maryland; President, Greater Baltimore Committee; President, Greater Washington Board of Trade; President, Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development; President, Interfaith Action Council; President, Maryland Chapter, National Broadcasters Association.

c/o Office of Lt. Governor
State House
100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 974-2804
fax: (410) 974-5882

The Governor formed the Governor's Year-2000 Public Information Task Force in May 1999 (Executive Order 01.01.1999.15). The Task Force informed citizens on the status of Year-2000 preparedness efforts. In January 2000, the Task Force concluded its work.

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