Appointed by Governor:
William J. Kelly, Chair (chosen by Governor)
Lori Dimeter; Sgt. David Jones; Donald L. LaFond; Michael L. Levengood; M. Randolph Mardres, Jr.; Matthew R. Miller; Robert B. Moore; Harvey J. Muller; James L. Phillips; Carl P. Rebele; William J. Siwak, Jr.; David C. Taylor.

Harvey J. Muller, Bicycle & Pedestrian Director

c/o State Highway Administration
707 North Calvert St., Room 502
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 545-5656
1-800-252-8776 (toll free, hotline recording)
fax: (410) 209-5025

In Maryland, bicycles became a concern of the General Assembly a century ago. At that time, the Board of Sidepath Commissioners was authorized to build sidepaths along country roads for the use of bicycles (Chapter 658, Acts of 1900).

The present-day Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee formed in December 1991 as the Bicycle Advisory Committee (Chapter 624, Acts of 1991). In July 2000, the Committee became the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (Chapter 670, Acts of 2000). The Committee advises State government agencies on funding bicycle-related and pedestrian safety programs, public education and awareness of bicycling activities and safety, and other bicycling and pedestrian issues (Code Transportation Article, sec. 21-1213). Presently, the Committee has six subcommittees which consider safety and education; law and enforcement; commuting; trail issues; promotion and economic development; and legislative affairs and funding.

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