[color photograph of State House entrance]

State House entrance, Annapolis, Maryland, April 2000. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Chair (chosen by Governor): Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Lt. Governor

Appointed by Governor to 2-year terms: William W. Gorman; Diane Sakwa; Phillip L. Tilghman; one vacancy. Terms expire 2000.

C. Bennett Connelly; Donna S. Edwards; Michelle A. Leverett, M.D.; Marlene C. McLaurin; Lydia C. Waddler. Terms expire 2001.

Kathryn Delaney. Term expires 2002.

Ex officio: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, designee of Governor; Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Georges C. Benjamin, M.D., Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Emelda P. Johnson, Secretary of Human Resources; Bishop L. Robinson, Secretary of Juvenile Justice; Bonnie A. Kirkland, Esq., Special Secretary for Children, Youth, & Families; Beatrice M. Rodgers, Director, Office for Individuals with Disabilities.

Staff: Colleen Mahony

c/o Office of Lt. Governor
State House
100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 974-5394
fax: (410) 974-2077

Annual Report to Governor.

The Governor created the Maryland Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families on May 15, 1998 (Executive Order 01.01.1998.14). The Partnership stemmed from the work of the Governor's Task Force on Children, Youth, and Families Systems Reform. In its report of November 1996, the Task Force recommended that a commission be created to ensure reformation in the State's family service system.

The Maryland Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families is devising a five-year State Plan for Children and Families. The Plan identifies how the Partnership will marshal public and government attention to the needs of children, engage citizens in the identification and development of State policy priorities for children, and distribute resources needed to achieve these goals. In addition, the Partnership will guide State agencies and local jurisdictions in the implementation of the Plan, as well as use the Partnership's annual Results for Child Well-being publication to evaluate services and strategies aimed at children, youth, and families.

In September 1999, the Partership produced its first annual budget priorities document. To assist in achieving better results for Maryland's children and families, the document reflected funding priorities of the local jurisdictions. Four priorities were identified by the Partnership: after-school programs, home visiting, school-based health centers, and counseling for at-risk and disruptive youth of school age.

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