Major F. Riddick, Jr., Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Nyron S. Burke; David A. Engle; Joseph T. Jones; Ronald B. Mincy. Terms expire 2001.

Ronald Paul Adolph; Elaine A. Anderson, Ph.D.; David L. Levy, Esq.; Jeffrey M. Johnson, Ph.D. Terms expire 2002.

Appointed by State agencies with Governor's concurrence: Sarah J. Hall; Jill Hillard; Richard A. Proctor; Patricia Spann.

Appointed by Senate President: Christopher J. McCabe

Appointed by House Speaker: Rudolph C. Cane

Ex officio: Major F. Riddick, Jr., designee of Governor

Staff: Simone C. Hall

Office of Governor
State House
100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 974-3560
fax: (410) 974-5029

Annual Report to Governor due June 30.

In December 2000, the Governor formed the Governor's Fatherhood Advisory Council (Executive Order 01.01.2000.24).

Annually, the Council convenes statewide and regional conferences to devise strategies and identify resources with which to address conditions and societal issues affecting fathers and their families. The Council also reviews grant proposals and makes recommendations to the Governor on award recipients and matters relating to fatherhood issues and policies.

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