Ronald L. Freeland, Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor on recommendation of Chair: Paul Comfort; Daniel Dalton; David Foote; Santo A. Grande; Sue Knapp; Donald L. LaFond; Gary Lockett; Earl Long; Cary Malkus; Janet McGlynn; Jamal Mubdi-Bey; Nancy A. Noonan; C. Irving Pinder, Jr.; James Raszewski; John Scott; Simon Taylor; Jeffrey Williams.

Ex officio: James Macgill, Jr., designee of Secretary of Aging; James G. Glover, designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Olivia Biggs, designee of Secretary of Human Resources; Ronald L. Freeland, designee of Secretary of Transportation; Cari C. Watrous, designee of Director, Office for Individuals with Disabilities.

Ruth F. Silverstone, Coordinator

c/o Office of Interagency Programs
Mass Transit Administration
Department of Transportation
6 St. Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21202 - 1614
(410) 767-3942
fax: (410) 333-0893

Annual Report to Governor.

The Governor created the State Coordinating Committee for Human Services Transportation in October 1997 (Executive Order 01.01.1997.06). The Committee examines the transportation needs of the elderly, the disabled, and those who need affordable, accessible transportation to get to work, job training, and education programs. To ensure Marylanders continued access to senior citizen activities, health care, jobs, education, and training, the Committee is preparing a five-year plan for human services transportation. In addition, the Committee coordinates the efforts and resources of federal, State and local agencies; serves as a clearinghouse for transportation issues; and investigates the need for standards for vehicles and drivers.

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