Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent to 3-year terms:
Walter Sondheim, Jr., Chair (chosen by Governor), 2000

Tyler G. Webb, Esq., 1998; Courtney J. McKeldin, 1999.

Contact: Jack Schwartz, Counsel

c/o Office of Attorney General
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 576-6327
fax: (410) 576-7036

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly due July 1.

The State Open Meetings Law Compliance Board was authorized in 1991 (Chapter 655, Acts of 1991). The Board receives, reviews, and resolves complaints alleging a violation of the Open Meetings Law and issues a written opinion on whether or not a violation has occurred. The Board also evaluates how well public bodies comply with the Open Meetings Law and recommends improvements in the law to the General Assembly. With the Office of the Attorney General and interested organizations or persons, the Board additionally develops and conducts educational programs on the requirements of the Open Meetings Law for the staffs and attorneys of public bodies, the Maryland Municipal League, and the Maryland Association of Counties (Code State Government Article, secs. 10-501 through 10-512).

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