Appointed by Governor: Robert T. Brown, Sr.; Kimberly L. Coble; Janet E. Cook; Roy P. Dyson; Kirk T. Ingram; Sally G. Jameson; Kenneth C. Keen; D. Carolyn McHugh; Dianne D. Pearce; Joseph F. Stine, Jr.; Robert L. Swann; Kenneth R. Tenore, Ph.D.; Dennis F. Whigham, Ph.D.; Myrna White; George B. Wilmot; John F. Wood, Jr.
c/o Office of Secretary
Dept. of Natural Resources
Tawes State Office Building
580 Taylor Ave.
Annapolis, MD 21401 - 2397
(410) 260-8101
The Patuxent River Oil Spill Citizens Advisory Committee was organized by the Governor in July 2000 (Executive Order 01.01.2000.12). The Committee will advise the Department of the Environment and the Department of Natural Resources on issues, such as priorities for cleanup, and criteria for completion of the cleanup of the oil spill. The Committee also will assist those departments in preparing the natural resources damage assessment plan and the restoration and mitigation plan.
Local meetings to inform the public about the status of the cleanup and restoration will be held by the Committee. There, citizens can advise the Committee on steps to restore natural resources.
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