Appointed by Senate President & House Speaker: Robert Agee; Andrew McLean; Richard Novotny; Kevin Simpson; Steve Weber.
Appointed by Senate President: Thomas M. Middleton; J. Lowell Stoltzfus.
Appointed by House Speaker: Barry Glassman; Charles A. McClenahan.
Representing Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force: Gerald P. Duckett
Representing Governor's Task Force on Eastern Shore Economic Development: Edwin G. Richards
Ex officio: Bradley H. Powers, designee of Secretary of Agriculture; Vernon J. Thompson, designee of Secretary of Business & Economic Development; James E. Mallow, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; James C. Wade, designee of Director, Maryland Cooperative Extension; J. Philip Gottwals, designee of Chair, Forvm for Rural Maryland; William R. Miles, designee of Chair, Maryland Forestry Task Force.
Staff: Leslie G. Frymier; Jody J. Minnich
c/o Dept. of Legislative Services
90 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1991
(410) 946-5510
The Task Force on Resource-Based Industry in Maryland was initiated in July 2000 (Chapter 433, Acts of 2000). The Task Force examined the need for, and feasibility of, establishing a financing development authority to assist Maryland farming, fishing, forestry and mining extraction industries. Assistance would be in the form of loans, financing, training, and technical and business planning services.
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