JOHN C. THEMELIS, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1988. Member, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 1992-94, Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 1995, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Sentencing Guidelines Advisory Board, 1987-92; Committee on Building Public Trust and Confidence in the Justice System, 1998-99; State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 1999-; Public Trust and Confidence Implementation Committee, 2000-.

Panel chair, Health Claims Arbitration Board, 1976-82. Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1976-83. Contract Assistant Public Defender, Baltimore City, 1983-84. Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, 1984-88. Member, Judicial Education Committee, 1985-87, and Criminal and Motor Vehicle Matters Standing Committee, 1987-88, District Court of Maryland. Member, Mayor's Sister City Program (Baltimore City, & Piraeus, Greece), 1986. Vice-Chair, Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Sentencing Guidelines Subcommittee, 1987-89. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 23, 1947. University of Maryland, B.S., 1970; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 1975. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1975. Member, Maryland State and District of Columbia Bar Associations; Baltimore City Bar Association (domestic violence committee, 1985-86; judicial administration committee, 1986-87; District Court subcommittee, 1986-88; judicial awareness committee, 1986-88; historical committee, 1986-95; standing committee on criminal law, 1986; gender bias committee, 1995). Member, Maryland Circuit Judges Association, 1993. Board of Trustees, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 1983-87, 1995- (treasurer, 1983-84; vice-president, 1984-87). President, Greek School Board of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 1984-86 (youth advisor, 1995-). Board of Directors, Druid Hill YMCA, 1988-91. Board of Directors, Jentry McDonald Group Home, 1989-91. Life sustaining member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Member, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1989-91. Member, Heuisler Honor Society; listed in American Hellenic Who's Who in Business and the Professions. Adjunct faculty, University of Baltimore School of Law, 1986-89; Loyola College, 1987-89. Instructor, Maryland Institute for Continuing Professional Education for Lawyers (MICPEL), 1986-89. Member, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Alumni Association, 1990. Lecturer, Law-Related Education Project, Lake Clifton and Eastern High School, 1991. Lecturer, Survivors Against Violence Everywhere, 1994. Instructor, Judicial Institute of Maryland, 2000.

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