Origin: Cecil County was erected in 1674 from Baltimore and Kent counties by proclamation of the Governor. The County was named for Cecilius Calvert (1605-1675), Second Lord Baltimore, and founder of the Maryland colony. Although he never lived in Maryland, Cecilius Calvert was Proprietor of the colony from 1632 until his death in Middlesex, England in 1675.
Population (1990 Census): 71,347
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Seat: Elkton, MD 21921
Community College: www.cecil.cc.md.us/
County Government: www.ccgov.org
Elections Board: www.ccmagazine.org/ccboe.htm
Health Dept.: www.ccmagazine.org/organiz/cchdmain.htm
Library: www.ebranch.cecil.lib.md.us/
Parks & Recreation: www.ccmagazine.org/ccgov/planning/ccparks.htm
Public Schools: www.ccps.org
Social Services Dept.: www.dhr.state.md.us/cecil.htm
Tourism Office: www.seececil.org
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