Maryland members appointed by U.S. Secretary of Commerce upon nomination by Governor to 3-year terms: W. Peter Jensen (designated State official); James H. Gilford, Ph.D., 2001; Ricks E. Savage, 2002.
Daniel T. Furlong, Executive Director
Federal Building, Room 2115
300 South New St.
Dover, DE 19904 - 6790
(302) 674-2331
(410) 260-8261 (Annapolis)
1-877-446-2362 (toll free)
fax: (302) 674-5399
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council was established in 1976 in accordance with the federal Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, as amended. For both domestic and foreign fisheries, the law ensures sound fishery conservation and management measures. The act gives the United States exclusive management authority over fisheries (except for highly migratory species of tuna) within a fishery conservation zone of 3 to 200 miles offshore. As one of eight regional fishery management councils, the Mid-Atlantic Council prepares fishery management plans for implementation by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce.
The Council's twenty-seven members represent Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Twenty-three voting members include the Regional Administrator, National Marine Fisheries Service; a state fisheries official from each state; and fourteen public members appointed to three-year terms by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce upon nomination by the state governors. Four nonvoting members represent the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Department of State; and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. The Council is assisted by its staff, the Scientific and Statistical Committee, and various advisory panels.
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