BENSON EVERETT LEGG, Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, since 1991.

Member, Committee on Security, Space, and Facilities, Judicial Conference of the United States, 1994-. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, June 8, 1947. Attended Gilman School; Princeton University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1970; University of Virginia School of Law, J.D., 1973. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1973. Law clerk to Judge Frank A. Kaufman, U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1973-74. Member, American Bar Association (business torts litigation committee, litigation section, 1989); Maryland State Bar Association (chair, economics of litigation committee, 1981-82); Baltimore City Bar Association (vice-chair, 1986-87, & chair, 1987-88, continuing legal education committee; executive council, 1987-88). Associate attorney, Venable, Baetjer and Howard, 1975-81 (partner, 1982-91). Editorial board, Virginia Law Review, 1971-73. Order of the Coif (law school honor society). Advisory Board, National Aquarium in Baltimore, 1987-. Trustee, Baltimore Zoological Society, 1990-. Member, Serjeants' Inn. Faculty, Maryland Institute for the Continuing Professional Education of Lawyers (MICPEL); Trial Advocacy Institute, University of Virginia. Author, "Reliance Electric and 16 (b) Litigation: A Return to the Objective Approach?", 58 Virginia Law Review 907 (1972). Co-author, Maryland Appellate Practice, Rules and Commentary with Forms (1988); Model Jury Instructions for Business Tort Litigation (2nd edition, 1988). Office: (410) 962-0723.

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