[photograph of Representative Gilchrest] WAYNE T. GILCHREST, U.S. Representative (Republican), 1st Congressional District (Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester & Somerset counties, & parts of Anne Arundel County & Baltimore City), Maryland.

2245 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5311
fax: (202) 225-0254
web: www.house.gov/gilchrest/

Member of U.S. House of Representatives since 1991. Member, Resources Committee, 1994- (fisheries, conservation, wildlife & oceans subcommittee; forests & forest health subcommittee); Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, 1994- (water resources subcommittee; chair, coast guard & maritime transportation subcommittee, 1997-). Member, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, 1991-94; Public Works Committee, 1991-94.

Member, Bainbridge Re-Use Advisory Committee, 1996-97. Born in Rahway, New Jersey, April 15, 1946. Served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1964-67; Vietnam, 1966-67 (Purple Heart Medal, Bronze Star Medal, Navy Commendation Medal). Wesley College, A.A., 1971; Union College (appalachian semester studying rural poverty); Delaware State College, B.A. (history), 1973; Loyola College. Teacher (American history, government, civics), 1973-90. Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 1996, 2000. Member, Kent County Teachers' Association. Member, American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Military Order of the Purple Heart. Member, Kennedyville United Methodist Church. Married; three children.

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