SEPTEMBER 13, 1994



Don Allensworth, Hagerstown, Washington County
Mary Boergers, Kensington, Montgomery County
Walter Gilcrist Finch, Baltimore, Baltimore County
Lawrence K. Freeman, Baltimore, Baltimore County
Parris N. Glendening, University Park, Prince George's County
American Joe Miedusiewski, Baltimore City
Melvin A. Steinberg, Baltimore, Baltimore County

Allensworth Boergers Finch Freeman Glendening Miedusiewski Steinberg
Allegany Co. 826 605 115 85 3,521 814 869
Anne Arundel Co. 965 3,460 569 210 18,901 11,460 9,009
Baltimore City 2,267 2,825 626 577 48,086 19,262 12,512
Baltimore Co. 2,390 5,707 1,183 911 34,940 30,520 26,901
Calvert Co. 188 248 44 28 2,298 2,357 432
Caroline Co. 145 274 38 46 982 642 491
Carroll Co. 269 900 129 123 3,859 2,842 2,343
Cecil Co. 362 710 195 47 2,389 1,832 1,090
Charles Co. 279 423 127 72 3,845 797 2,200
Dorchester Co. 154 298 61 46 1,895 855 623
Frederick Co. 890 1,420 131 112 5,561 1,263 1,643
Garrett Co. 309 210 72 44 644 204 155
Harford Co. 320 2,787 199 210 6,992 6,287 4,769
Howard Co. 255 2,300 223 156 12,908 3,318 3,397
Kent Co. 60 258 74 27 1,124 831 680
Montgomery Co. 977 17,769 560 294 57,661 3,620 5,121
Prince George's Co. 2,136 2,865 335 286 72,298 4,953 3,756
Queen Anne's Co. 153 291 68 42 1,472 1,097 805
St. Mary's Co. 295 399 101 38 3,213 2,206 1,761
Somerset Co. 162 281 65 24 717 587 234
Talbot Co. 94 223 47 16 1,243 587 436
Washington Co. 1,746 883 69 37 4,084 1,219 1,284
Wicomico Co. 265 1,144 204 60 2,978 1,617 1,002
Worcester Co. 173 608 134 27 1,703 1,156 795
Total 15,680 46,888 5,369 3,518 293,314 100,326 82,308
% of Total 3% 9% 1% 1% 53% 18% 15%


Helen Delich Bentley, Lutherville, Baltimore County
Ellen R. Sauerbrey, Baldwin, Baltimore County
William S. Shepard, Potomac, Montgomery County

Bentley Sauerbrey Shepard
Allegany Co. 3,079 2,699 1,148
Anne Arundel Co. 12,514 15,023 1,733
Baltimore City 4,168 3,530 454
Baltimore Co. 18,470 20,201 1,297
Calvert Co. 1,118 2,311 400
Caroline Co. 638 888 145
Carroll Co. 3,314 8,657 1,388
Cecil Co. 1,358 2,058 189
Charles Co. 1,717 3,434 693
Dorchester Co. 638 1,012 211
Frederick Co. 2,735 6,920 1,508
Garrett Co. 920 2,131 852
Harford Co. 7,132 7,044 457
Howard Co. 4,222 9,005 713
Kent Co. 699 762 144
Montgomery Co. 13,386 17,093 7,842
Prince George's Co. 6,076 7,370 1,418
Queen Anne's Co. 959 1,371 221
St. Mary's Co. 1,168 1,647 433
Somerset Co. 340 583 169
Talbot Co. 1,114 1,544 222
Washington Co. 2,249 4,665 947
Wicomico Co. 1,032 2,384 669
Worcester Co. 775 1,344 252
TOTAL 89,821 123,676 23,505
% of Total 38% 52% 10%

Source: State Administrative Board of Election Laws

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