MARCH 5, 1996


Bill Clinton, Little Rock, Arkansas
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Round Hill, Virginia

Clinton* LaRouche Uncommitted
Allegany Co. 4,416 225 716
Anne Arundel Co. 22,170 1,899 5,126
Baltimore City 50,839 1,579 2,430
Baltimore Co. 37,637 3,364 5,781
Calvert Co. 2,637 143 403
Caroline Co. 903 113 146
Carroll Co. 3,454 476 764
Cecil Co. 2,088 205 393
Charles Co. 3,682 181 682
Dorchester Co. 1,286 111 331
Frederick Co. 5,233 308 772
Garrett Co. 1,058 107 212
Harford Co. 7,309 878 1,778
Howard Co. 14,907 610 2,557
Kent Co. 859 72 164
Montgomery Co. 49,765 821 6,221
Prince George's Co. 24,167 735 2,082
Queen Anne's Co. 1,668 189 337
St. Mary's Co. 2,809 203 554
Somerset Co. 784 76 139
Talbot Co. 1,236 85 210
Washington Co. 4,672 292 939
Wicomico Co. 2,333 151 452
Worcester Co. 1,580 97 228
TOTAL 247,492 12,920 33,417
% of Total 84.2% 4.4% 11.4%

Lamar Alexander, Walland, Tennessee
Pat Buchanan, McLean, Virginia
Bob Dole, Russell, Kansas
Robert K. Dornan, Garden Grove, California
Malcom S. Forbes, Jr., Bedminster, New Jersey
Phil Gramm, College Station, Texas
Alan Keyes, Darnestown, Maryland
Richard Lugar, Indianapolis, Indiana
Maurice Taylor, Quincy, Illinois

Alexander Buchanan Dole* Dornan Forbes Gramm Keyes Lugar Taylor
Allegany Co. 413 2,134 3,666 23 678 47 267 35 21
Anne Arundel Co. 2,052 7,187 17,502 108 4,428 170 1,884 354 36
Baltimore City 464 1,603 3,254 61 1,032 48 825 118 41
Baltimore Co. 1,510 7,704 17,323 103 4,942 137 1,633 367 33
Calvert Co. 268 1,052 2,346 14 430 33 260 28 11
Caroline Co. 76 424 605 13 272 0 82 11 1
Carroll Co. 522 3,389 5,451 27 1,298 70 593 70 16
Cecil Co. 167 830 1,560 8 627 11 162 33 2
Charles Co. 331 1,520 3,365 16 578 31 305 33 10
Dorchester Co. 79 332 695 6 337 9 66 24 5
Frederick Co. 656 2,940 7,256 38 1,330 81 703 91 9
Garrett Co. 225 1,065 1,599 7 346 26 135 20 3
Harford Co. 642 3,426 6,166 26 2,052 65 617 90 7
Howard Co. 1,146 3,095 9,381 44 2,370 84 899 281 12
Kent Co. 55 206 701 5 211 3 28 17 0
Montgomery Co. 3,080 7,575 31,556 135 5,485 155 2,836 907 73
Prince George's Co. 929 3,343 9,037 71 1,584 66 1,191 199 34
Queen Anne's Co. 139 711 1,344 6 432 14 136 28 2
St. Mary's Co. 264 885 1,984 11 416 18 182 18 9
Somerset Co. 46 302 475 1 255 7 59 5 2
Talbot Co. 167 432 1,726 8 557 12 86 44 3
Washington Co. 436 2,004 5,046 15 762 57 469 42 10
Wicomico Co. 233 881 2,172 8 1,164 21 211 37 7
Worcester Co. 161 545 1,312 3 621 9 89 20 3
TOTAL 14,061 53,585 135,522 757 32,207 1,174 13,718 2,872 350
% of Total 6% 21% 53% 0% 13% 0% 5% 1% 0%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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