Ex officio: J. Joseph Curran, Jr., Attorney General; David S. Iannucci, Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Georges C. Benjamin, M.D., Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Raymond A. Skinner, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Emelda P. Johnson, Secretary of Human Resources; Bishop L. Robinson, Secretary of Juvenile Justice; Stuart O. Simms, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Col. David B. Mitchell, Secretary of State Police; Bonnie A. Kirkland, Esq., Special Secretary for Children, Youth & Families.
State House dome (view from Chancery Lane), Annapolis, Maryland, January 2001. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice was formed by the Governor in 1995 (Executive Order 01.01.1995.03). The Council coordinates the planning, implementation, and evaluation of State policies and programs for criminal and juvenile justice. Council priorities include crime prevention and public safety. The Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention staffs the Council.
Chaired by the Lieutenant Governor, the Council consists of eleven ex officio members.
Co-Chair: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Lieutenant Governor
Co-Chair: Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools
Appointed by Co-Chairs: Mary Aranha; Lynne A. Battaglia, Esq.; Georges C. Benjamin, M.D.; Lisa Bishop; JoAnne L. Carter; J. Joseph Curran, Jr.; Lawrence H. Dawson; Marietta English; Adam B. Gelb; Pat Foerster; T. Eloise Foster; Luke F. Frazier; Emelda P. Johnson; Karen R. Johnson; Bonnie A. Kirkland, Esq.; Harry W. Langmead; Lynne E. Linde, Ed.D.; Catherine McCall; David McMillion; Col. David B. Mitchell; J. P. Paterson; Michael Romano; Rhonda J. Ray; Bishop L. Robinson; Beatrice M. Rodgers; Michael A. Sarbanes; Yale Stenzler; L. Douglas Ward; Kerry Whitacre; Margaret Wolf.
The Safe Schools Interagency Steering Committee formed in 1999. To boost school safety, the Committee will develop and implement a statewide safe schools strategy. Current initiatives overseen by the Committee include: Crisis Response Plans for every school system; Uniform School Incident Reporting System; School Gun Safety Hotline; Clean Our Schools Teams; and Early Mental Health Screening.
Under the Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, the Task Force finished its work in 1996.
Appointed by Lt. Governor:
Douglas H. Moore, Jr., Co-Chair
Stuart O. Simms, Co-Chair
David Altschuler, Ph.D.; Harrison Bristoll, Jr.; K. C. Burton; David R. Fishkin, Esq.; David A. Goad; Ernest R. Greco; Leo E. Green; Rev. Norman A. Handy, Sr.; Susan B. Hezelton; Glenn Ivey; Patricia C. Jessamy, Esq.; David Kreek,
Esq.; Gail Lankford; Susan P. Leviton, Esq.; Luis Luna; Robert McCarthy, Esq.; James McComb; Howard Merker, Esq.; Kenneth C. Montague, Jr.; Wayne Mullinex; Scott Phillips; Emily Rody, Esq.; Richard Rowe; Calvin D. Street; William Streuver.
Under the Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, the Task Force completed its work in January 1997.
Appointed by Lt. Governor:
Thomas C. Frazier, Co-Chair
Col. David B. Mitchell, Co-Chair
Ann Blumenberg; Antoinette Bram; Paul W. Chesser; John Cohen; Ulysses Currie; Hathaway Ferebee; Gilbert J. Genn; Rev. Harry Green; Roger R. Harrell; Susan Herman; Steven J. Hess, Esq.; Donald G. Hopkins; Christian J. Jensen, Esq.;
Patricia Krongard; Kenneth Krouse; Carol A. Mehrling; Robert O'Leary; Lawrence W. Sherman, Ph.D.; William Stagg; Vonzell R. Ward; Gregory Wims.
Under the Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, the Task Force completed its work in 1996.
Appointed by Lt. Governor:
Joseph H. H. Kaplan, Co-Chair
Bishop L. Robinson, Co-Chair
Carol Jo Alexander; Lynne A. Battaglia, Esq.; Devon Brown; Walter E. Chase, Sr.; Milton Crump, Jr.; Frederick E. Davis; Ann Marie Doory; Robert Ferguson, Esq.; Michael Frye, Esq.; Stephen E. Harris, Esq.; John P. Linton; Christopher J. McCabe; Olinda Moyd, Esq.; Robert C. Nalley; Raymond Patterson, Ph.D.; John Salvatore, Esq.; Laurie Schwartz; Charles Shilling; Patrick Smith, Esq.; Andrew L. Sonner; Faye S. Taxman, Ph.D.; William Welch; Nollie Wood.
Under the Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, the Task Force fulfilled its charge in 1996.
Appointed by Lt. Governor:
Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., Co-Chair
Joseph Mason, Co-Chair
Arthur Abramson; Robert Anatasia; Susan Bailey; Neil Behan; James Bond; Cherryale Burge; John Cook; Ann Davis; James M. Dean; Barbara Dezmon; Pat Forester; Lt. Gen. (MD) James F.
Fretterd; Wayne F. Gersen; Denise Gottfredson, Ph.D.; Barbara A. Hoffman; Lawrence Jackson; Rosemary King Johnston; M. Kenneth Long, Esq.; Prentice Lyons; Roger Lyons; Careen Mayer; Charles T. Martin; Charles Obrect; Adele O'Rourke; Mark Paterni; Grace Rivera-Oven, Esq.; Louise Phipps Senft; Skip Stewart; Joanne Tulonen; Frank S. Turner; Latrey Washington; Virginia L. Wolf.
Under the Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, the Task Force finished its work in 1996.
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